A Little About Us
Remember that joy when you feel like you are doing what you're meant to be doing?
I felt that when I first became a Social Worker. I was helping others, giving back to my community and fulfilling an internal need.
It lasted many years, but then I became a mom and was also caring for aging parents. I developed compassion fatigue. I was not finding joy in caring for my patients, my kids or my parents.
I left the world of Social Work and dedicated myself to my children and parents. During this time, every time I was feeling tapped out, I would find myself picking up my knitting. I would sit with my mom (who taught me how to knit when I was a kid) and spend quality time with her. I would go to the knit shop with a group of friends and just feel myself, not just relaxing, but feeling more invigorated when around the crafting community.
The knit shops in my neighborhood closed down to a variety of reasons. I found a wonderful shop across town, but really wanted something closer to me. I mentioned to my husband my latest idea (there have been many) to go into business for myself, and he looked at me and said, "I think this one might work". We did our research, and THE TANGLED BALL fell into place.
Once a Social Worker always a Social Worker
I still find such gratitude in helping others out. While dreaming and planning for my store, I realized that I could still combine my two worlds. I can help shape a community of crafters who can gather at my store. We can support each other and give back to our communities. The support our gatherings can spread is further than just help in fixing a lost stitch or what color should I use in my next project. We can be each other's sounding boards for life's dilemmas; we can work on community projects for those in need.
I will have quarterly projects that the store and its community can join in on: each quarter we might knit hats for local school children, blankets for the local animal shelter, or socks for the homeless. I realize that not everybody I know knits or crochets, so if my community wants to support our outreach, they could give back by buying a ball of yarn for someone else to make the project. And you never know -- maybe a non-knitter or crocheter will find their love of yarn through one of my classes, work shops or knit-a-longs!
At The Tangled Ball, we welcome all who want to sit at our table, whether to work on a project, have a cup of coffee, glass of wine or learn a new craft or all of the above!
Marsha Corn
The Tangled Ball