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Community Projects

Due to the wonderful generosity of our customers over the last few years, the amount of yarn we have collected has become overwhelming.  So we need to change up our donation incentive structure to include only premade items, not materials.

We are looking for a new charity or purpose for our donations.  If you have a cause in mind, please let us know so we can coordinate how our community can help out!

Knit/crochet from your own stash, or use yarn from the store's donation bin.
Anyone who brings in an item will receive 10% off a purchase.

Previous Projects

Summer/Fall 2023 Project:

Mid-November, we dropped off over 50 hats, mittens, blankets and other items that you knitted and crocheted to our northwest Denver area food bank, Bienvenidos (included along with my son's Scout Troop 217 food drive).

With the current huge influx of migrants, they were desperately needed. 
Fall/Winter 2022 Project:

Mr. Marsha fell behind:
I need to find out from Marsha which school received donated knitted hats, scarves & mittens... and the quantity.

Summer 2022 Project:

Took our overflowing bins of donated materials to the Corky Gonzales Denver Library for use in their ideaLAB.
This is a wonderful space for "kids" of all ages to learn new skills, invent, and unleash their creativity.

Hoping future knitters & crocheters become community supporters too!


Winter/Spring 2022 Project:

Joined forces with FingerPlay Studio to collect and distribute donated stash to victims of the Boulder fires during the holidays.  Everyone was UNBELIEVABLY generous, and we collected an insane amount of project-quality yarn and needles/hooks!  We filled up most of the space where American Axes now occupies to sort & separate items. (The video shows only a fraction of what ended up being donated over time!)

In addition to this primary goal, Avista Hospital lost their stock of baby and cancer blankets, quilts isolet/warmer covers.  Our customers also knit & crocheted up a huge pile that we were able to send along to them.

So grateful for everyone helping my community that I grew up in!

Fall/Winter 2021 Project:

Working with 
Bridges Colorado, weaving & stitching together hope and inclusivity from one culture to another, our community crocheted and knitted items to help the Afghan refugees who needed to flee from their native country.
Donations included 16 blankets, 99 hats, 28 scarves... actually, so much generosity that you'll just need to watch the video. 
Summer 2021 Project:

Crocheted and Knitted "Purritos": tiny sweaters for kitten bottle babies.  Distributed by the Purrito Project to rescues across Colorado.
Spring 2021 Project:

As an Ex-Neonatal Social Worker, I know first hand the importance of keeping premature babies warm.
The Tangled Ball partnered with Lutheran Hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Nursery, and our customers knitted and crocheted 26 baby blankets and 165 baby hats for the smallest of the small!

Fall/Winter 2020 Project:

Hats, gloves, scarves & toys -- all created by our knitting & crocheting community, donated to families in need at Lake Middle School.